Living For God
When God is the First relationship in your life, All things work together.
May God be 1st in your Journey.
When God is the First relationship in your life, All things work together.
May God be 1st in your Journey.
How can a finite human understand the infinite mind of God?
His ways are higher than our ways.
-Isaiah 55:9
Study Psalm 139 over and over and just ask Him,
"Father help me to know you as You will?"
Then let him walk with you in your life.
Live for God.
He is God.
He created you.
That is all that matters.
What if God was just a Man?
He was.
For 33 years God lived an entire human experience.
From an unplanned pregnancy, hunted precious human child, humble carpenter, Healer, convicted heretic, tortured political prisoner, murdered Savior.
And the ONLY human ever to defeat death.
As God's son. "No one comes to the Father except through me."
What if God was just a Man?
He was.
For 33 years God lived an entire human experience.
From an unplanned pregnancy, hunted precious human child, humble carpenter, Healer, convicted heretic, tortured political prisoner, murdered Savior.
And the ONLY human ever to defeat death.
As God's son. "No one comes to the Father except through me."
-John 14:6
A hard truth everyone must decide for themselves to believe (or not).
It is required for a 1:1 relationship with God.
It does not matter from where you come, only where you go.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
He is the Spirit of God.
God is infinite and eternal.
He pre-existed when Space and Time were created by His words.
How can something "exist" outside of Space and Time?
His Spirit does and so does yours if you believe.
Living for God in my Mind
The mind of mankind is meant to engage his creator in Love and Respect.
The model is simple,
God is a Father in whom we should trust, live and think.
It is from this intended plan that a person can live their highest existence.
"And we know that All things God works for the good of those who Love Him, who have been
Living for God in my Mind
The mind of mankind is meant to engage his creator in Love and Respect.
The model is simple,
God is a Father in whom we should trust, live and think.
It is from this intended plan that a person can live their highest existence.
"And we know that All things God works for the good of those who Love Him, who have been called according to His purpose",
-Romans 8:28 NIV
Yet apart from our #1 relationship we suffer and die alone.
Living for God in my Body
We are but jars of clay.
-2 Corinthians 4:7
Psalm 139 says "God knitted us together in our Mothers womb."
Yet we some times ignore how precious we are.
Day after day we destroy our bodies in so many needless ways.
What a waste.
Love who you are made to be.
Become the human God intended you to be.
A rich body capable of achieving our dreams.
Living for God in my Spirit
Just as God dwells in Mind, Body and Spirit, so we dwell in all three.
Being human IS all three.
Our spirit is placed in us by God.
That spirit, some call a "soul", is how we relate with Him.
While we think and communicate in words and ideas, God's spirit is unlimited.
Intimacy with our soul is only possible throu
Living for God in my Spirit
Just as God dwells in Mind, Body and Spirit, so we dwell in all three.
Being human IS all three.
Our spirit is placed in us by God.
That spirit, some call a "soul", is how we relate with Him.
While we think and communicate in words and ideas, God's spirit is unlimited.
Intimacy with our soul is only possible through that 1:1 - 3-part relationship.
Living fully in all three is a challenge.
But you can ask,
"God, I believe Jesus, your son, died for me. I want a deep relationship with you like Jesus has. I know you want me to live a balanced life in all three ways. God, please live in me, take this jar and fill it so my life will bring Glory to You."
--that is living for God.
Living for God, 1st in your life allows him to direct you in all things. He will never cause you to fail or even be afraid as he Loves you more than any other being in the universe. All you have to do is want that relationship with him and even He will help you make himself first in your life! It only matters what you want.
If we are loved by God, but not ourselves, we must ask him to help us with this. How do you love yourself is a tough question asked by many but it begins with seeing ourselves the way God sees us, mind, body and spirit. Then realizing that each part of us needs to be loved in much the same way a parent loves a child, unconditionally. Self-love is a life long journey.
Marriage is a "trinity" relationship where God is #1.
When Man and Woman both seek God first loving each other comes naturally. Putting God first teach us to put our spouse first. Marriage without God is only held together by human strength. Given today's pressures, marriage must be sacred.
Children are precious. Their newly formed minds, bodies, and spirits need the nurturing of Parents who know they themselves are children of God. With that knowledge, Children can rest in the love that flows from their parents as it is aligned with their creator.
Some families have various levels of intimacy and for each unique situation, with God in the center, many holiday dinners will be more enjoyable when patience, kindness, mercy and self-control are flowing rather than strife and envy. May God bless your family with this knowledge and desire.
The Church is the "body" of believers in Jesus Christ (his death, resurrection and deity) on the earth. The Church is here to help, but God must be first in everyone's life or the Church is not the body of believers. Church can be a priority in your life but probably not 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd in your life. Don't be one of the 20% or one of the 80%. Be 100% for God and let him guide you. Remember the lesson from the book of Job, "God is God and I am not."
If you got this far and you are wondering where business falls in your life priorities, you need God. The author of this site spent many years struggling to make God first in his life before work and family. Seek God today, tonight, right now! Say,
"God I want to put you First in my life, my #1, my greatest love. Please show me how to love you first and put my business where it belongs. I TRUST YOU!"
Some call that a Prayer.
In this ministry, we just call it, talking to God.
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